Discover! - Expert Reveals
The Tops 5 Strategies Every Woman NEEDS to know when struggling with hormonal issues.
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Most people are struggling with hormone issues in one way or another.
Do you want to feel more energetic and more vibrant?
Then we are here to help.
You can start to take control of your health by downloading
my free Top 5 tips to Healthier Hormones!
Does this sound like you?
Are you feeling tired, getting energy highs and lows through the day difficulty concentrating or getting brain fog?
Do you feel edgy, like you are not able to handle small stresses any more?
Do you get gas and bloating when you eat?
Are you periods painful, irregular, do you get moody around your cycles?
Or are you struggling with fertility?
Guess what, you may have some hormone imbalances.
What does it treat?
BHRT can be safe and effectively used to treat the following symptoms associated with hormonal decline/imbalance.
Hot flashes
Mood swings
Weight gain
Breast tenderness
Memory Loss
Night Sweats
Vaginal Dryness
Low Libido
What is Hormone Therapy?
Hormone Therapy is the use of exogenous hormones to help bring back our own hormones into balance. There are two types of hormone therapy that EBL offer, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) and Natural Desiccated Thyroid Hormone (NDT).
Who can benefit?
Generally BHRT is used to treat peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women. However, as hormone imbalances are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s world, BHRT is successfully being used in younger women to restore normal levels of hormones in order to regulate cycles, improve fertility and alleviate PMS
Is it safe?
BHRT is using biologically identical hormones as opposed to synthetic hormone therapy that uses hormones derived from equine (horse) urine. BHRT has been shown to be safe and effective in studies without the side effects or increased risk of hormonal cancers associated with synthetic hormone therapy.
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About EBL Clinic
Eat. Breath. Live.
Combining the traditional naturopathic approach with modern therapies and the best functional assessment tools, EBL helps you gain back control of your health and your life. EBL wants to help simplify achieving optimal health by addressing the foundational pillars of good health and creating customized solutions for you.